You know how we pride ourselves on doing things differently?! ….enter the Support Squad Amazing Race, our latest, and arguably greatest respite adventure ever!!


Follow clues and complete challenges, in your teams of two, all over Adelaide, across two jam-packed days! Use your clever thinking skills to solve puzzles and overcome obstacles to win the grand prize at the end!

This holiday will be staffed at a 1:2 ratio between both our Beverley and Paracombe retreats and the participant contribution is only $70.00 each for the entire weekend, making it affordable for everyone!


Congratulations to the RED TEAM, Allan and Ted, who took out First Place at our first race! Bronwyn and Ashley came in a very close Second Place, with Elise and Lisa only a touch behind in Third Place!

The teams enjoyed everything from Gardening Challenges, Hiking Challenges, Op-Shop Challenges, Donut Challenges, ‘Guess-the-drink Challenges, Ikea Challenges, and, of course, a Bunnings Challenge!


Our Amazing Race weekends will be run seasonally, so if you want to enter to compete at our next race on the 6th – 8th of October please contact Josh on 0447 681 991 or at!